The book Labor Pioneers is going to be launched several places in the world during 2019. The first official launch took place in Copenhagen June 11, 2019, at gallery Meter, with attendance of Filipinas/os in Denmark, trade unionists, and embassy representatives from both Manila and Copenhagen.
Copenhagen book launch June 11, 2019, gallery Meter. Top: Peter Naidas (pioneer descendant) introducing author Nina Trige Andersen. Middle: Christina Santos Madsen (from The 49'ers) speaking about what the book means to her. Right: Wesley Valdez (pioneer descendant) reading the book outside. Credit: Louise Lassen Iversen/Gallery Meter
Book signing for Karen, newcomer from the Philippines; Wesley Valdez, Peter Naidas and Rod Robles hanging out outside the gallery; Ruth Theil - Filipina labor organizer at Copenhagen hotels - reading the book; Letty Valencia and Christina Santos Madsen from The 49ers talking; Violeta Jensen (in purple), also Filipina labor organizer at Copenhagen hotels. Credit: Michelle Silke Hauptmann.
There is no such thing as "just old papers". The association newsletters, party programs, work contracts, letters, photographs etc. from the lives of Filipinos in Denmark are part of both your individual and collective history.
Many have already donated materials or lend them for digitalization, and the archive consists of contributions from individuals as well as associations such as Filipino Association of Denmark,
Filipino House, Babaylan and many more. Names of individual contributors will be mentioned as their materials are uploaded.
Collective history. Do not use for commercial purposes